Wanna start a side hustle that’s not only easy to get off the ground but brings in cash money from Day 1 so you can have the funds to go after an even bigger, bolder goal? Or maybe you’re on a mission to start saving up for your dream vacay or paying off high-interest debt, but you need a bit of extra moolah to get you there.
No matter the end goal, we know you have a burning desire to start something major. You wouldn’t be hanging out at TresFleek.com if you didn’t. And that’s why you’re friggin’ awesome. But you’re starting to feel like a raging failure for not having fulfilled that dream. If only you knew how to get started...
When people succeed, you’re happy for them. Genuinely. For reals. And you should be!
But when people within your corner of the world, or worst, within your own circle start surpassing you on milestones you’re working hard for, it’s hard to not let your emotions get involved.
The good thing about a procrastination slump is that you can always feel one coming on long before it hits. The key is to whip it into submission before it has a chance to fully take hold!
If you feel like you’re on the verge of a slump (or are already knee-deep in one), here are ten ways to kick it to the curb.